Frequently Asked Questions

This page has answers to frequently asked questions

General FAQ

Space Enforcer is not responding to commands, what do I do?

If Space Enforcer is offline :offline:

If Space Enforcer is online:online:

  • First, do @Space Enforcer to make sure that you’re using the correct prefix.

  • Second, make sure Space Enforcer has the View Channel and Send Messages permissions.

If none of these work, please head over to our support server

Why is Space Enforcer not giving roles?

For Space Enforcer to be able to manage or moderate any role, it has to be VISUALLY higher than the role you want it to give or remove in the role settings screen of your discord. Otherwise, Space Enforcer will not be able to manage users who have the role. Drag the role above any roles you want it to manage.

Is Space Enforcer open source?


Who are the Developers?

Lead Developer: AnaheimDucks16#9494 Designer: Col#0704

Moderation FAQ

Why can users send messages when they have the muted role?

This is most likely due to channel permissions. Configure your channel’s send message perms to be neutral for all roles (which includes everyone role) and deny it for the muted role.

Why can’t I purge messages older than 14 days in a channel?

Discord doesn’t allow bots to purge (bulk delete) messages that are older than 14 days old.

GroupPlayz Development is a public Discord bot development team. GroupPlayz Development creates advanced and efficient Discord bots for servers. GroupPlayz Development has developed 2 verified public Discord bots. These features include moderation, fun, utility, and more! Our bots are used by many servers!

Last updated

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